20 Minute Path to Peak Fitness

For some people, exercise is a daunting challenge.042-20 Minute Path to Peak Fitness_02_720x400
The good news is that if you use the Peak Fitness Method, exercise can be fun and efficient—you won’t need to take a lot of time out of your schedule to do it!
“Peak Fitness” was coined by Phil Campbell, a trainer to athletes for over 35 years. The Peak Fitness approach to exercising takes only twenty minutes a day, but your heart rate peaks eight times during that period of time so that you are working intensely for about four minutes out of those twenty minutes. The best thing about it is that twenty minutes of Peak Fitness exercising will do as much for you as about an hour of other aerobic style exercises!
Join Kira and Bill Van Ittersum as they discuss how Peak Fitness Exercising works and the many positive benefits that you might receive with this approach.


Does Phil Campbell’s Peak Fitness Increase HGH?

Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness by Phil Campbell, ©October 15, 2003, Pristine Publishers, Inc.

Peak Fitness Boosts Your Human Growth Hormone by 771% in Just 20 Minutes (Dr. Mercola interview with Phil Campbell)

Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself by Dr. Joseph Mercola,
©February 24, 2015, Harmony Publishers

Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet to Total Fitness and Longer Life by Nora T. Gedgaudas, ©May 27, 2011, Healing Arts Press

Primal Blueprint 21 Day Total Body Transformation: A step-by-step gene reprogramming action plan by Mark Sisson, ©October 18, 2011, Primal Nutrition, Inc.