Kids Are Happy Rippin’ and Rompin’

It doesn’t really matter how kids move, as long as they move! It’s much easier to get them movin’ and rippin’ and rompin’ if they’re encouraged to do fun activities. All it takes is a little research, a little planning, and a little guidance. Once your kids see how much fun they can have, they’ll take over from there.012-Kids Are Happy Rippin and Rompin_720x400
Kira and Bill Van Ittersum share the games that they love to play with their grandkids and give tips to get them started at your house. Everyone benefits when kids are active—listen in and learn why.

Children’s Exercise Guide: Why Kids Need Exercise 
by Anne Etra

Children’s Exercise Guide: Fun Indoor Exercises for Kids by Anne Etra

5 Ways That Play Can Change Your Day by the American Heart Association